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Screen Alliance Wales Secures Creative Skills Fund Grant to Nurture Talent and Diversity in Welsh Creative Industries

Screen Alliance Wales Secures Creative Skills Fund Grant to Nurture Talent and Diversity in Welsh Creative Industries

16 October, 2024 – Cardiff, Wales

Screen Alliance Wales (SAW) is thrilled to announce its successful application as part of the second round of the Welsh Government’s Creative Skills Fund, administered via Creative Wales, a vital initiative aimed at nurturing skills and talent for a vibrant and inclusive creative Wales. The announcement was recently made by Minister Jack Sargeant, unveiling the successful recipients of the fund, designed to boost talent development across the country.

SAW’s project, ‘Vocal Histories from Wales’, will build on its extensive work in South East Wales and expand to reach communities across the entirety of Wales. This programme is designed to address the diversity and inclusion gap within the TV and film industry, providing underrepresented voices with a platform to share their stories and shape the narratives about their own communities.

By empowering local people to have direct involvement in storytelling, *Vocal Histories from Wales* will reflect the rich cultural diversity of Wales and safeguard stories that might otherwise fade from history. Importantly, the project gives communities a chance to challenge and redefine the way they are often portrayed in wider media, offering a more authentic and nuanced representation.

Allison Dowzell, Managing Director of Screen Alliance Wales, emphasised the importance of the project, stating:

“Social partnerships like these are absolutely essential if we are to increase diversity in the industry and provide a fairer and more equitable labour market. SAW is committed to the principle of jobs for all and to paying a fair wage – ensuring no one is left behind or lacks the opportunity to flourish and improve their skills. This project will address the current diverse workforce deficit, but more importantly, it will help people fulfil their full potential irrespective of their background or economic status.”

The Creative Skills Fund, now in its second round, continues its mission to support new and existing talent by offering training and upskilling across several creative sectors, including screen, music, immersive tech, animation, and games. The first round of funding, launched in 2022, has already seen significant impact, benefiting over 27,000 individuals, with nearly 500 training courses and 435 upskilling placements provided.

SAW is proud to be part of this initiative and looks forward to continuing its work in fostering a more inclusive and dynamic creative industry in Wales.

For further information, please contact:

[email protected]

Cynghrair Sgrin Cymru yn Sicrhau Grant Cronfa Sgiliau Creadigol i Feithrin Talent ac Amrywiaeth yn Niwydiannau Creadigol Cymru

16 Hydref, 2024 – Caerdydd, Cymru

Mae Cynghrair Sgrin Cymru (CSC) yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi ei gais llwyddiannus fel rhan o ail rownd y Gronfa Sgiliau Creadigol - cronfa Lywodraeth Cymru a gweinyddwyd gan Cymru Greadigol -menter hanfodol sydd â’r nod o feithrin sgiliau a thalent ar gyfer Cymru greadigol fywiog a chynhwysol. Gwnaed y cyhoeddiad yn ddiweddar gan y Gweinidog Jack Sargeant, wrth ddadorchuddio derbynwyr llwyddiannus y gronfa, a gynlluniwyd i hybu datblygiad talent ledled y wlad.

Bydd prosiect CSC, ‘Hanes Lleisiol o Gymru’, yn adeiladu ar ei waith helaeth yn Ne Ddwyrain Cymru ac yn ehangu i gyrraedd cymunedau ar draws Cymru gyfan. Cynlluniwyd y rhaglen hon i fynd i’r afael â’r bwlch amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant o fewn y diwydiant teledu a ffilm, gan roi llwyfan i leisiau heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol rannu eu straeon a llunio’r naratif am eu cymunedau eu hunain.

Drwy rymuso pobl leol i ymwneud yn uniongyrchol ag adrodd straeon, bydd *Hanes Lleisiol o Gymru* yn adlewyrchu amrywiaeth ddiwylliannol gyfoethog Cymru ac yn diogelu straeon a allai fel arall bylu o hanes. Yn bwysig ddigon, mae’r prosiect yn rhoi cyfle i gymunedau herio ac ailddiffinio’r ffordd y cânt eu portreadu’n aml yn y cyfryngau ehangach, gan gynnig cynrychiolaeth fwy dilys a chynnil.

Pwysleisiodd Allison Dowzell, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr Cynghrair Sgrin Cymru, bwysigrwydd y prosiect, gan ddweud:

“Mae partneriaethau cymdeithasol fel y rhain yn gwbl hanfodol os ydym am gynyddu amrywiaeth yn y diwydiant a darparu marchnad lafur tecach. Mae CSC wedi ymrwymo i’r egwyddor o swyddi i bawb ac i dalu cyflog teg – gan sicrhau nad oes neb yn cael ei adael ar ôl neu heb y cyfle i ffynnu a gwella eu sgiliau. Bydd y prosiect hwn yn mynd i’r afael â’r diffyg amrywiol presennol yn y gweithlu, ond yn bwysicach fyth, bydd yn helpu pobl i gyflawni eu llawn botensial waeth beth fo’u cefndir neu statws economaidd.”

Mae’r Gronfa Sgiliau Creadigol, sydd bellach yn ei hail rownd, yn parhau â’i chenhadaeth i gefnogi talent newydd a phresennol trwy gynnig hyfforddiant ac uwchsgilio ar draws sawl sector creadigol, gan gynnwys sgrin, cerddoriaeth, technoleg drochi, animeiddio a gemau. Mae’r rownd gyntaf o gyllid, a lansiwyd yn 2022, eisoes wedi gweld effaith sylweddol, gan fod o fudd i dros 27,000 o unigolion, gyda bron i 500 o gyrsiau hyfforddi a 435 o leoliadau uwchsgilio yn cael eu darparu.

Mae CSC yn falch o fod yn rhan o’r fenter hon ac yn edrych ymlaen at barhau â’i waith i feithrin diwydiant creadigol mwy cynhwysol a deinamig yng Nghymru.

Am ragor o wybodaeth, cysylltwch â:

[email protected]

X (twitter): @CreativeWales Instagram: @CymruGreadigol
X (twitter): @ScreenAllianceW Instagram/Facebook: @ScreenAllianceWales

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