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The Prince William BAFTA Bursary

The Prince William BAFTA Bursary – Apply for up to £2000 to help you get to the next stage of your career.

Screen Allaince Wales are delighted to be one of the partner organisations who are able to signpost entry-level talent to BAFTA’s career development bursary. This is for junior creatives needing financial support for next steps into the Screen Industries.

The Prince William BAFTA Bursary is a fund to help assist junior creatives with the costs of progressing their career in film, television or games. You can apply for something specific such as a training course (including driving lessons), the costs of equipment or software, or relocation costs.

To qualify to apply, you must:

· Be 18 or over

· Demonstrate financial need

· Have some experience in the film, games or TV sectors

· Have worked with our partner organisations (A New Direction, Arts Emergency, BFI Film Academy, Creative Access, Film Fixer, Ffilm Cymru Wales, Fully Focussed, GMAC Film, It's My Shout, Just Add Milk, Limitbreak, MAMA Youth, Sara Putt Associates, Screen Alliance Wales, Screen NETS, ScreenSkills Short Circuit) or taken part in BAFTA’s YGD competition.

Applications are open from Monday 3 July until midday on Monday 31 July, apply here.

For any queries, email [email protected].

Bwrsariaeth BAFTA Y Tywysog William – Cyflwynwch gais am hyd at £2,000 i’ch helpu i gyrraedd cam nesaf eich gyrfa.

Mae Cynghrair Sgrin Cymru yn falch iawn o fod yn un o’r sefydliadau partner sy’n gallu cyfeirio pobl ddawnus ar lefel mynediad at fwrsariaeth datblygu gyrfa BAFTA. Mae’r fwrsariaeth hon ar gyfer gweithwyr creadigol iau y mae arnynt angen cymorth ariannol ar gyfer eu camau nesaf i’r Diwydiannau Sgrin.

Mae Bwrsariaethau BAFTA y Tywysog William yn gronfa i gynorthwyo gweithwyr creadigol iau â chostau camu ymlaen yn eu gyrfa ym maes ffilmiau, gemau neu deledu. Gallwch wneud cais am rywbeth penodol fel cwrs hyfforddi (gan gynnwys gwersi gyrru), costau offer neu feddalwedd, neu gostau adleoli; neu gallwch wneud cais am gyfraniad tuag at eich costau byw tra byddwch yn gweithio neu’n gwneud profiad gwaith.

I fod yn gymwys, mae’n rhaid i chi:

· Fod yn 18 oed neu’n hŷn

· Dangos angen ariannol

· Bod â rhywfaint o brofiad yn y sectorau ffilm, gemau neu deledu

· Bod wedi gweithio gyda’n sefydliadau partner (A New Direction, Arts Emergency, BFI Film Academy, Creative Access, Film Fixer, Ffilm Cymru Wales, GMAC Film, It's My Shout, Just Add Milk, MAMA Youth, Sara Putt Associates, Cynghrair Sgrin Cymru, Screen NETS, ScreenSkills Short Circuit) neu gymryd rhan yng nghystadleuaeth Dylunwyr Gemau Ifanc BAFTA.

Mae’r cyfnod ymgeisio ar agor o ddydd Iau 28 Gorffennaf tan 10.00am, ddydd Iau 1 Medi. Cyflwynwch gais yma.

Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau, anfonwch neges e-bost at [email protected] .

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